VPN Setup using PPTP

Configuring the VPN connection to my office n/w :
Steps :
1] Install pptp and NetworkManager-pptp, using yum.
# yum install pptp NetworkManager-pptp
2] Once the installation is done,the next step is to configure the VPN connection using the above mentioned installed packages.For that we need to do setting under Network Manager Applet.It can be accessed by clicking the network icon in the notification area.
3] Right click the Network Manager Applet. Select Edit Connections > VPN tab > Add.
4] Select Point-to-point Tunnelling Protocol over there from the drop-down if its not there by default.
5] In the new connection set-up window.

- Give a name to the new connection [optional,but recommended].
- Select the Connect Automatically check-box.
- Define the :
Gateway | User name | Password
You can even verify the entered password by clicking 'Show Password'.
- All is done now, just click Apply.
6] Restart the machine.
7] Connecting to VPN Server.
- Left click the Network Manager applet.
- From the list select VPN Connection,
- Select VPN connection from under it, that you configured under step 5.
- Selecting the radio button will try enabling the VPN connection, during this duration an animation will be playing over the Network Manager Applet with a sign of lock over it.
- Once the animation goes off, without any error try accessing the local network [office n/w], using browser or shell.
- In case of error re-check the connection strings.
8] Disconnecting from the VPN Server.
- Left click the Network Manager applet.
- From the list select VPN Connection.
- Next go for the VPN connection that you are on.
- From the list select Disconnect VPN.


  1. OK. And is it possible to connect the Linux VPN server from a MS box without installing any client SW, please?

  2. For connecting a linux VPN server, all you need to do is setup a VPN network from the new network places, for this all you need to know is the IP adress of the VPN server and the credentials used to login.NO client S/w is needed.
    Here is a step by step guide for setting up the same [http://windowsdevcenter.com/pub/a/windows/2004/03/09/vpn_connection.html]


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