CLI Utils

- List contents of tar.bz2
# tar -jtvf etc.tar.bz2 |less
- Extract Single file from within tar.bz2 [path specified]
# tar -jxvf etc.tar.bz2 etc/yum.conf
- Extract Single file from within tar.bz2 [w/o path specified]
# tar -jxvf etc.tar.bz2 --no-anchored yum.conf
- Adding a panel item to run as different user.
Assume that we want to run a terminal for a user who is not logged in X envt.
Adding the following line to the Command section of the new launcher and selecting run in terminal, will open a new terminal window with that user.
# su - username
Also can add ssh option to the command
# su - username -c "ssh remoteserver"
- Rebuilding RPM database indices from the installed package headers.
# rpm --rebuilddb
If rebuilding the database gives errors,which means the DB is corrupted,in that case we need to delete the DB [a Berkeley DB] and recreate it once the bad one is gone.

- Deleting the RPM Database.
# cd /var/lib/rpm
Locate the DB files in there.
# ll __db*
Remove all of these DB files.
# rm -f __db*
Recheck if none of the files are left back.
# ll __db*

Try rebuilding the DB,as above

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