Some of the good links found over the net

- Gedit Plugins
- Mirroring Fedora
- Official Mirrors for North India
- Online Distro Store
- Third Party Plug-ins for Pidgin
- An open source VoIP and video conferencing application for Gnome
- Plug-ins for Evolution,mail client for Gnome
- Linux installation:No CD,DVD,USB drive,N/W needed
- The Open Web Foundation
- cynin
- Google Wave
- Elgg
- GnomeShell
- Software forge for Free Software
- Creative Commons India
- Secure system from SSH Attacks
- Add Python / C++ Auto-complete Support
- Scripts for Nautilus
- Ubuntu 9.10 with netbooks

The list is increasing day by do come back to find new ones, and if you want to be good enough, please add a comment for one that you think is missing here,which may be i have not knocked at yet...


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