Disabling IPv6 lookup for the time being
Just had a chance to open up my hosts file under F11,and saw an entry that got my attention it was the second row as shown below. [root@sawrub-xbox ~]# cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 [root@sawrub-xbox ~]# Moving around the web get me to the conclusion that its related to the IPv6 . The IPv6 site also shouted out at me ,with my IPv4 IP Address. Thinking over it, questions came up to the every answer that i was getting, let me collect all question together first and make the answers follow them: Q1] If my machine is still IPv4, why was the entry of IPv6 over there under /etc/hosts . Q2] Why is this enabled by default. Q3] How do i control IPv6 fetch from my applications. Q4] How do I disable IPv6 at my machine. Q5] How do i get IPv6 address. The answers are here. A1] Kernel 2.2+ come with IPv6 built in. A2] Ipv4 is now ~30 Y...