VLC Segmentation Fault

A yet another day for me after updating on my FC9 over the night and finding VLC media player to have stopped its daily task of playing tracks for me.
The UI just stopped showing up,it used to come up for a flash and then go off.So what now the digging starts off along with Googling side by side.
A bit later running 'vlc' at shell gave me the cause of the problem.There was a 'Segmentation fault' coming up.

A lot Googling finally landed me to #videolan IRC chat at irc.vediolan.org.And over here i finally got my problem resolved.

Though the guy over there who helped out did not mentioned the error cause in particular,but from the chat it seems to be due to the skin2 interface that I was using.

I was asked to :

1. delete '~/.config/vlc/*' as a normal user. [rm -rf ~/.config/vlc/*]
2. Re- run 'vlc' at prompt
3. A pop up saying of 'privacy and network warning' came up which was normal per him.So acknowledged it with default settings.
4. The VLC was there in a second as new as ever.

Hoping that this helps you out if you face a similar problem with VLC.


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